Who We Are

Earthians Care is an organization all about spreading information, awareness, and enthusiasm about Earth and everything related to Earth through online newsletters. We believe inspiration and curiosity are the best driving forces behind action.

We work with middle school to college aged youth to help them learn how to present accurate and unbiased information. Knowing how to research topics and find facts is of ever increasing importance and is crucial to being properly informed. Contributors get to choose any topic of interest from the tiniest insects to the human psyche to galaxies far away. The important thing is that they are engaging with Earth and increasing their interest and knowledge.

While the youth do the work, the product is for everyone! Our newsletters are made to be accessible and interesting to all ages. 

Not in our writers' age group? That doesn't matter! Anyone can contribute! All ages are welcome to submit artwork, poetry, or personal testimonies about their interactions with the world.

Contact us!

We want to hear from you! Whether you’re interested in contributing, have feedback, or just want to share a what you enjoyed!

Email: earthianscare@aol.com

Facebook and Instagram: @earthianscare